
     Mateo, I am truly sorry for the credits I gave you in my previous article. It turned to be wrong, as you proved that you are not only immature, but you are something even worse, deeply ignorant of history and many more!
     At least you should have known some elementary things, since you represent historic and crowded people. Someone needs to tell you that “Democracy is not a word that was invented in Athens” (as you said). It is the highest system of government that your people serve and that the Greeks donated it to you for use, 2500 years ago!
     So at least respect our people for what we offered to you and you continue until today you FOOL, to use and enjoy, so you can have the right to require the respect of others and not to be A SHAME FOR YOUR PEOPLE!

     And very soon, because we have to occupy as individuals and people with more serious problems than those you create to us with your nothingness, I will simply say to those who will read this article, that we have no right as peoples in Europe to demand rights and a better way of life, because we are worthy of our luck, when the fate of our peoples  have been trusted  in politicians like you, Merkel, Schauble and their minions,  Hollande, Cameron and many others, even beyond the Atlantic , useless, selfish, worshiped and guided  politicians who have sold their consciences for their personal interests, always able to destroy nations and peoples!

     However, if you are not able to understand what you do to your people, and what will happen to your country the right next period from the Germans, and what will also happen to the EU, I am sorry for your own people too, as soon they will be asked to pay the cost of their choices!

     Finally, I would recommend you to put this text in frame, so you can see it every day in front of you, in case you mature and help you to prevent the developments. If this will not also happen, then you will have no luck, throw it on time so your children can’t find it and they classify you where you deserve!!!


Vasilis Anagnostou (GREECE)


Author of the book "21st CENTURY - The Schism of the peoples and the modern Renaissance!" Versions Livani, January 2014


This article will be sent to the media of all EU countries and the USA. Also it will be sent to their respective governments, institutions and personal to the Heads of these states, in case some consciousness could be awaken!



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