Mr. President, first of all this letter represents the Greek people and not only the outgoing government of our country, because it has already been rejected from our people and now “counts days”!
But please, let us with all respect to remind you that you are not coming at a banana republic, even though some of your country (hopefully not you, even though at your service you did not offer anything to Greece), they want to see our country as their tomorrow’s colony.
Please do not forget that you come to a country that only its name should inspire your respect. Please, at least respect our history!
Stop treating our people as a forgetful leader bearer of non-complied promises, sharing smiles, beads and mirrors as if we are Indians, something that your ancestors did to the unhappy indigenous inhabitants of your continent, before to disappear them completely as a Nation!
Mr. Obama, dear and congenial otherwise President, you must not forget that, you will find yourself in an allied country that was the first bastion of the allied forces in 2nd World War and contributed to win the war by paying it with hundreds of thousands of dead people on the battlefield, as also with the blood of its innocent citizens.
We are talking about a war in which our country experienced the absolute barbarity and atrocious crimes of diseased people, who massacred and executed women and children, newborns and elderly, burned churches and priests and as they were leaving looted everything, leaving behind a destroyed and bankrupt country, something we pay until now as people and state!
We also believe as Greeks that you have no right to forget as people those who selflessly offered and taught you everything, science and culture and all the values and principles that contribute to the creation and establishment of a modern state, unknown then for your newly created state and your people, by mutating you literally in an organized state and a society of free citizens, integral elements of evolution of a rule of law, so you can be today the first and dominant force on earth.
You should also never forget as people and nation what you owe to Greeks because are those who offered you their saying, their wisdom and democracy and eventually was the reason that you and your respective people can enjoy today your freedom and not only, but also be the President of the USA!
So this priceless and highest gift we offered you as people, you want to remove it today from those who were your mentors, either through this inhumane and hideous economic strangulation you impose on us by the IMF or by your unacceptable and unethical behavior against an ally and permanent supporter of your policy, disassociating from untold claim of our neighbors, leaving us alone against all, to defend the integrity of our country!
Mr. President, believe that your behavior has left us speechless and angry as people. We believed that you would react immediately and stand by our side as true allies. However, it is something you have not done so far to any of our problems. Not even for our economic issue, you were not interested to give a solution; only coercion, extortion and rejection have got from you and the IMF, as also you don’ t do anything for the National Issues of our country and Cyprus!
And all this at a time that our country is in this tragic and miserable economic situation, which the world community repeatedly has ruled that, as a country you have great responsibility! Furthermore the email which has recently been published that was sent by Anne-Marie Slaughter, the head of the State Department Policy Planning to Mrs. Clinton, on May 6, 2010, demonstrates the heavy responsibility that you personally as President you have of our current economic disaster!
So ask yourself after all these, if our people deserve this behavior from you and your people!
Therefore, if you come to put an end to these attacks and dangers we suffer daily as a country, stopping the challenges of our neighbors guaranteeing our borders as an ally country and guarantor and simultaneously announce the remission of our debt feeling you share responsibility of its existence, then you’re welcome.
If you just come to spend a pleasant two-day visit, then come next summer as a private for vacation (if we exist)!
Sorry Mr. President, but Greece needs you now!!!
You have already been late; our country is in danger of permanent enemies’ neighbors and all its other supposedly "allies". We hope you do not belong to them and we are waiting as people to prove it today, yesterday!
Otherwise let our people find allies elsewhere!!!
You should finally understand that the Greek people firstly are angry and secondly feel most betrayed by his allies and the EU, so they are ready to change camp and allies, something which of course would change the geopolitical alliances of the region, with unpredictable and unknown consequences for everyone!
Is it what you seek or not wish to happen?
If the second applies, rush to prove on time, because our time is running out!
Mr President, please respect our people and country and do not insult our dignity and our intelligence! We know your opinion about our current government and learn that your opinion is not far from ours. However this does not allow you to condemn people and especially the Greeks!
So let’s all accept, it was a bad and brief parenthesis in our modern history, as soon they will pay to the people and country what they deserve!
However, Greece is here and should remain perpetually the beacon of Liberty and the cradle of world civilization for all the countries of the earth!
It is the country that must preserve and keep unalterable all the principles, values and ideals of the institution of the Republic, this holy constitution that directs all the states from every corner of the earth!
These are all the data that compose this institution and that should not be removed or never disrupt, because then we will inevitably be led to paths that no one leader on earth would ever want to live.
Mr. Obama, perhaps it is time before your departure, to fulfill your duty as President and man. Do not ever forget that history and particularly the global, records everything so also write your own chapter!
Safeguard Greece, because then you preserve the values, the world culture and humanity. Do it now, while there is time!!!
Author of the book "21st CENTURY - The Schism of the people and the modern Renaissance!"
PS. This article will be translated and sent selectively to the media of all EU countries and the USA. It will also be sent to their respective governments and to all the European institutions!