
     With your intransigence and your paranoia, you have managed the impossible. Firstly, to join the whole Greek people against you and secondly to push them to other paths and forces that you would never like to get there!

     Let at last on time the incompatible, immature and foolish bullying, the same as our own politicians do even if they are defending themselves, because your folks like our own people have no blame to pay even with their own lives every time the mistakes of those that are governing them! Until when do you think this has to happen? Isn't it the time that you have to respect Your Nations? 
Your duty, the circumstances and the logic requires supporting Greece, because the price at all levels economically and geostratigically, it will be uncountable and too heavy for everyone! 
     Greece for Europe as for the entire West, particularly at this time but also for the future as things have evolved right now with Turkey ally of the new charged Islamic state across the border of Europe, the whirlwind of immigrants, with Russia wanting to come down to the Mediterranean, with the whole region boiling and with the European and global economy falters, our country is your stronghold!   
     If you do not understand it on time and you insist on your blackmails and in your unrealistic, colonial and punitive positions towards our country, the only thing you are going to manage the next days is to make the payments to stop and to set in a maximum risk your own countries, with irreversible effects, losing at the same time one of the most loyal and best partner of you!!!



     And this is because our people as you are seeking and asking, in slavery or servitude will never accept to live!!!!!!

     A Greek who believes in the Freedom of people and considers that he represents the spirit of all Greeks!


    Vasilis Anagnostou (GREECE)




Author of the book "21st CENTURY - The Schism of the peoples and the modern Renaissance!" Versions Livani, January 2014


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